Who We Are and What We Do
Engineers Without Borders University of Nebraska
Our mission is to build foundations for growth in developing countries while educating University of Nebraska Students. We are a 501(c)(3) organization comprised of UNL and UNO engineering and non-engineering students. We participate in local volunteering and international projects and hold many fundraising events each year.
Zambia Bridge Project
Connecting Sindowe and Simulunda
During the rainy season, the Kalomo River becomes impassable, cutting off markets and medical care from the members of Simulunda and surrounding communities for approximately four months every year. Our chapter is designing a pedestrian suspension bridge that will connect these communities year-round.
Zambia Project PageEWB-NU
Madagascar Solar Project
Bringing Light to Schools
Kianjavato is many miles from the nearest power grid and has no central power. The homes that do have solar panels have barely enough power for a lamp and a single smartphone. Our chapter has been designing and installing small solar power systems at schools to provide power for lights and computers since 2011.
Madagascar Project PagePrimary Sponsorship Opportunities
Pizza Thursdays
Pizza Connects Students and Employers
- Career fair style booth next to our pizza sales table in Kiewit Hall in the UNL Engineering Complex
- Students who talk to the sponsor get a pizza voucher
- Students get free pizza and get to connect with employers
- You our sponsor get advertising and get to speak with prospective hires
- We at EWB-NU raise funds for projects in our partner communities
Engineers Without Bogeys
Mini Golf, Fried Chicken, and Networking
Now in the fall!
Put your company on our posters, handouts, social media posts, and College of Engineering slideshow screens.
Get featured on our event banner, hole signs, and event web page.
Send employees to play mini golf, eat Raising Canes chicken, and set up a booth to network with UNL and UNO students at Prehistoric Putt in Lincoln.
Engineers Without Bogeys Fall 2024EWB-NU
Charity Dinner Night
A Slice of Africa
- In the spring, our chapter will host a banquet at UNO for companies and students
- Companies can sponsor tables, give presentations, and network with engineering students and companies.
- The event includes Zambian and Malagasy entertainment, raffles, and presentations about our projects.
Cuisine from the countries of our partner communities will be served.
Sponsorship Details
View our full sponsorship packet including tiers, perks, and pricing