Engineers Without Borders University of Nebraska

Engineers Without Borders USA University of Nebraska Chapter

Imagine putting your engineering knowledge to use to help people around the world all while building your leadership skills! Here at the University of Nebraska, our student-run EWB-USA chapter works with the communities of Kianjavato, Madagascar to provide the community with lights in schools through renewable solar power and Zimba, Zambia to design and build a bridge between two communities.

EWB-USA projects are community-initiated, community-driven, and community-maintained
EWB-USA's community partnership philosophy

Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) is an international non-profit organization that aims to build a better world through engineering projects that empower communities globally to meet their basic human needs and equip leaders to solve the world’s most pressing challenges. It is an organization that supports community-driven development programs worldwide through the design and implementation of environmentally sustainable, equitable, and economic engineering projects. While advancing the quality of life in these communities, EWB-USA works to develop globally aware and personally responsible engineers and students. Through projects both here in Nebraska and abroad, EWB-NU empowers students to use their engineering skills to help others. 

EWB-NU accepting the University Program of the Year Student Impact Award
Winning the University Program of the Year Student Impact Award for the EWB Midwest Regional Conference held by our University of Nebraska Chapter.

Dr. Jones and Dr. Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, both faculty in Civil Engineering, founded our EWB-USA student chapter in 2008. With students from every engineering major and many non-engineering majors participating from both UNL and UNO, our student EWB-USA chapter has been recognized for their excellent work, including receiving the 2014 EWB-USA Midwest Regional Premier Chapter Award and the UNL Student Organization Award for Philanthropy and Service. Several of the student leaders and members have also received university awards for their work in EWB-USA. In 2014, one of the faculty advisors, Dr. Libby Jones, received the EWB-USA Peter J. Bosscher Faculty Advisor Award for Outstanding Leadership. 

Watch this video in which members describe their experiences with EWB-NU Watch Now


Zambia Bridge Project

Connecting Sindowe and Simulunda

During the rainy season, the Kalomo River becomes impassable, cutting off markets and medical care from the members of Simulunda and surrounding communities for approximately four months every year. Our chapter is designing a pedestrian suspension bridge that will connect these communities year-round.

The Kalomo River with water at the future crossing of the Kalomo River Pedestrian Bridge


Madagascar Solar Project

Bringing Light to Schools

Kianjavato is many miles from the nearest power grid. There is no central electricity, and the homes that do have solar panels have barely enough power for a lamp and a single smartphone. Our chapter has been working with parents, students, and the local government since 2011 to address the power issue by developing plans to install small solar power systems at schools to provide power for lights and computers.

Classroom in Madagascar with lighting system installed by EWB-NU